History of College Street Indian Coffee House
The history of the Coffee House at College Street can be traced to Albert Hall, which was founded in April 1876. Later, the Coffee Board decided to start a coffee joint from the Albert Hall in 1942. Notable citizens were frequent visitors to the place. In 1947, the Central Government changed the name of the place to "Coffee House". The place became a meeting place for the poets, artistes, literati and people from the world of art and culture. In 1958, the management decided to shut down the Coffee House, but it was re-opened the same year, after professors of Presidency College and Calcutta University rushed off a special petition to the government, to save the heritage place.
From its inception theCoffee House Social Service Associationis serving the society with the help of the Volunteers who are giving their free service willingly following the principle of time sharing from different spheres of life.
Motivating people for voluntary Blood donation and aware them for safe blood transfusion along with training programmes on different aspects relating to safe blood donation.
- Blood Donation Camp
- Blood Donors Motivation Camp
- Assist to organize Blood donation Camp in different parts of west Bengal throughout the year.
- Observe World Thalassemia Day, World Blood Donors Day, World AIDS Day.
- Seminars, Quiz, Poster exhibition for Blood Donors' Motivation.
- State Level Work Shop on Blood Donors Motivation, Thalassemia & HIV Prevention.
- State Level Certificate Course on 'Social Service & Blood Donors Recruitment'.
Special Event
- During natural calamities we try to reach out to the people of the affected areas providing relief work.
- During the beginning of the Durga Puja we distribute new dress materials and food items to the down trodden people mainly in the tribal villages of West Bengal.
Organisation Status
Coffee House Social Service Association is registered under the West Bengal Society Registration Act of 1961.
The organisation is Governing Body Member of 'State Blood Transfusion Council, W.B'. (A Society Promoted by: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India & Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of W.B.)
Annual Souvenir,Educational Booklets, IECMaterial.
Special Blood Donation Camp
- COFFEE HOUSE LOVER'S DAY (January 9th), at College Street Indian Coffee House
- WORLD BLOOD DONOR'S DAY (June 13th, 14th & 15th)
Blood Donors (10/25/50/ times), blood donor organisations are honoured every year on the Coffee House Lover’s Day; January 9th.